Best practice guide for guarding

best practice for guarding

GBSG has produced a free document on Best Practice for guarding. Here is a summary

Safeguarding corporate property requires on-going vigilance – burglaries, crimes, and other violations are unpredictable and can occur at any location and at any time. Responding to these incidents is usually the responsibility of security guards. Good security guards should have an aptitude for security work and receive specialised training that will make them effective in their role.

Every site is different, so before implementing a security guard presence it is important to begin with a thorough survey of all the security implications. An integral part of this will be instructions from the client on their requirements. Each corporate organisation has its own preferred way of working and for maximum security it is necessary to accommodate their routines into the specified procedures.
For instance, some clients prefer planned scheduled patrols, others will prefer ad hoc patrols, perhaps in response to a particular security incident. In patrolling, security guards inspect, monitor and prevent security incidents as they move around a protected site. They can carry out unlock and lock-up services
morning and night, often in combination with a mobile patrol.

A key benefit of security guards is that they are available around the clock, meaning that a designated site can be guarded just as well during the night as it can during the day. No matter whether it is day or night, they can quickly respond to any crises or danger and alert the responsible authorities so that damage or loss is minimised. It is important to remember that responses to emergencies (confi rmed intruder alarms and fi re alarms) must take priority to routine patrols – it is in everybody’s interest that
this fl exibility is maintained.

Co-ordinating all security patrols is the Control Room where 24-hour helplines attended by  knowledgeable and helpful operatives can give up to date bulletins on any situation, and respond to CCTV coverage of a live incident so that resources are focussed on the most immediate need.

To avoid call outs:

  • Make sure all your staff know how to set and unset systems.
  • At the end of the working day ensure windows are shut as curtains and blinds can set off alarms.
  • Be aware of things that can move in a room, for instance birthday balloons above a desk.
  • In warehouses be aware of trapped birds.
  • Last person on a site should do a sweep of the building so that no-one is locked in by accident.
  • If an alarm is set off in error immediately ring the GBSG Control Room with the appropriate passwords.
  • When staff leave your employment change all passwords and advise the GBSG Control Room.

There are two main types of security patrols which can be customised to the particular needs of a site:

Foot Patrols
This form of patrolling is important as a guard on foot can efficiently assess site in a way that
no other kind of surveillance can. When they actively walk through a client’s location, they are
able to discover prospective security incidents like open windows, jammed doors, potential
trespassers, flooding and potential triggers of a fire breakout. The schedules and routes
for patrolling are changed randomly so that potential criminals can’t predict the timings of a
patrol. As guards move around a site they act as a visual deterrent to lawbreakers. Depending on
the site security plan, electronic checkpoints can be installed so that the GBSG Control Room can
monitor progress and ensure safety.

For empty properties Vacant Property Inspections (VPIs) can be carried out. This is where a mobile patrol will carry out a survey on foot checking the premises are secure, reading meters, taking  photographs of the property and providing regular security reports.

Mobile Patrols
Mobile patrols are able to cover a large amount of ground in a short period of time, especially when an immediate response is required. Predominantly used for large sites, and for sectors such as construction, hotels and farming. They are also of value to event managers who need temporary security solutions for indoor and outdoor venues.

Mobile patrols can be a cost-effective alternative to static guards, especially when supported by CCTV cameras and combined with Control Room support.

Click here for a free copy of the document: GBSG_Best Practice_Guarding Services – Keyholding

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