During the first lockdown in March criminal activity was mostly opportunistic. This time however there is evidence that criminal gangs are more organised and more experienced. If you have empty offices and business premises the security of your property is more important than ever.
When buildings are left unattended for even a short period of time, they become vulnerable to vandals, intruders and inevitable maintenance issues.
There are a variety of solutions to these security problems that can be tailored to your requirements.
- Mobile patrols checking your premises several times a day can be an important deterrent to criminal activity.
- If Contractors, deliveries and cleaning staff need access and /or supervision our keyholding service can attend to meet visitors, grant access, oversee their activity and close up the property at your request.
- If fire alarms or intruder alarms go off we can provide rapid response, allowing your staff to remain at home and manage the situation remotely.
Our mobile patrols can also deter squatters, fly-tippers and mindless vandals, making sure your property remains safe and secure for when you return.
The Security Industry Authority (SIA) has confirmed that GBSG staff are essential workers. Our staff are fully trained in Covid19 procedures. Perhaps we can help your business during the new lockdown period?
Visit our website on www.gbsg.co.uk/your-business/keyholding-for-business/ or call us on 01775 821100.