Motorhome theft – how enhanced home security can protect yours

picture of a motorhome on private drive to illustrate risk of motorhome theft

Motorhome theft – Imagine waking up to find your motorhome or campervan is missing. There are an estimated 225,000 caravans, motorhomes and campervans on UK roads and they are becoming increasingly popular with thieves.

Approximately 4000 caravans/motorhomes/campervans are stolen each year in the UK. A growing number of these are taken from under people’s noses – from their own driveways.

The impact of caravan and motorhome theft is emotionally and financially  significant.

Why do thieves steal motorhomes?

  • They have a high resale value which means they can be sold on quickly and efficiently.
  • They also have certain vulnerabilities:
    • The habitation door isn’t as secure as the cab doors.
    • The windows are also easy to break and allow access.
    • Ignition systems which are computerised and can be bypassed.
    • Keys left out at home which can be taken following a break in

The role of Home Security to prevent motorhome theft

Since a number of thefts take place on home premises, it is important to take precautions. Aside from the usual vehicle security measures like trackers, immobilisers, wheel locks and steering locks, it is important to enhance your home security system to incorporate valuable vehicles outside.

Here are some ways in which you can protect your caravan or motorhome on your driveway:

  • Install integrated CCTV cameras that integrate with your Smart home technology. These don’t just record footage, they take realtime photographs when activated and immediately alert you
  • Install pop up barriers in your driveway
  • Security lighting that can be remotely controlled from an app
  • Security gates with alarm sensors and motion detectors

All of the above items can be linked up to a Smart Homes app and controlled from anywhere in the world. It is also a good idea to have a remote monitored system that will keep an eye on things 24/7 when you can’t.

You can find out more about our Smart Integrated Security System Here.

Motorhomes and caravans are being stolen daily – make sure yours isn’t next on the list.

Contact us for a quotation today!



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